0 / 8
Sections complete

Where You Have Lived

List the places where you have lived beginning with your present residence and working back 5 years.

Residences for the entire period must be accounted for without breaks.

  • Indicate the actual physical location of your residence, not a Post Office box or a permanent residence when you were not physically located there.
  • If you split your time between one or more residences during a time period, you must list all residences.
  • Do not list residences before your 18th birthday unless to provide a minimum of 2 years residence history.
Where you have lived
0 / 5
Years covered
  • Provide street address
    This address is
    Provide dates of residence

    You are not required to list temporary locations of less than 90 days that did not serve as your permanent or mailing address.

    From date

    To date

    Is/was this residence

    Add a person that knows you

    For any address in the last 3 years, provide a person who knew you at the address, and who preferably still lives in that area. Do not list people who knew you well for residences completely outside this 3-year period, and do not list your spouse, cohabitant or other relatives as the verifier for periods of residence.

    Provide the full name
    Provide date of last contact
    Provide you relationship to this person (check all that apply)

    Their contact information

    Provide the following information for this person.

    Provide evening phone number for this person
    • or
    Best time to call
    Provide daytime phone number for this person
    • or
    Best time to call
    Provide mobile/cell phone number for this person
    • or
    Best time to call
    Provide street address for this person
    This address is
Do you have an additional residence to report?